Application Process
NorthBay Property Management, thanks you for looking to us for assistance with your residential housing needs. We feel an obligation to ensure that properties managed and represented by us are rented and maintained in a manner that protects the quality of the dwellings and of the neighborhoods where our tenants reside. For this reason, we use an effective screening process of all applicants for tenancy based on a set of objective criteria listed below.
Once you have selected a rental, you must complete, sign and return a Rental Application Form. In most cases you can apply online if you find the listing on our website.
Each person 18 or older who intends to reside at the property must submit a separate Rental Application, regardless of the familial/marital status or relationship to any other applicant for tenancy. There is a $35.00 FEE PER APPLICATION, which covers the cost of processing your application and obtaining your credit report. Some properties, but not all, may consider cosigners if you have poor or no credit, if you are supported in full or part by someone other than yourself, or if you have "gaps" in tenancy or employment. If you require this assistance, you will need to have your cosigner complete a separate application. There is an additional $30.00 fee if a co-signer application is required. Application fees must be paid by money order or cash, and are due upon submission of each application. APPLICATION FEES ARE NONREFUNDABLE. In order for an applicant to be considered for tenancy, the applicant must meet the following minimum requirements:
1. COMPLETE APPLICATION - The application must be completed in its entirety. Failure to complete the application properly and legibly may delay processing or result in the denial of your application. Complete applications are processed in the order received.
2. SUFFICIENT INCOME AND EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: We ask that you document 2.5 years employment history, or your three most recent positions, whichever is greater. Current permanent employment of at least 12 months at the same job is desired for each adult applicant, with total monthly gross income of 2.5 times the rental amount of the property applied for. Income can be combined among applicants in order to qualify. In certain instances, verifiable non-income assets (i.e. significant savings) may be considered in order to qualify. NorthBay PM will make a reasonable attempt to contact present and prior employer(s) as submitted by Applicant, and/or confirm assets reported by Applicant; however, ultimate responsibility for ensuring access to this information lies with the Applicant. we reserve the right to decline tenancy on the basis of our inability to objectively verify references provided.
3. VERIFIABLE GOOD CREDIT - credit reports will be obtained from a national credit bureau.
4. GOOD RENTAL HISTORY - We ask that you document five years' tenancy history or your two most recent residences, whichever is greater. NorthBay PM will make a reasonable attempt to contact present and prior landlord(s) and/or mortgage holder(s) as submitted by Applicant; however, ultimate responsibility for ensuring access to this information lies with the Applicant. NorthBay PM reserves the right to decline tenancy on the basis of our inability to objectively verify references provided.
NorthBay PM, at the discretion of individual property owners, may qualify and accept applicants not meeting all requirements specifically as listed above, with the inclusion of an increased security deposit and/or the commitment of a cosigner/ Third Party Guarantor. To qualify, a co-signer must be a homeowner with their primary residence in one of the following counties: Mendocino, Lake, Sonoma, Napa, Marin, Solano, Contra Costa, Alameda, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara or Santa Cruz. Cosigners must also be capable of qualifying on the basis of employment history, income and credit history.
Those dwelling units that allow pets require payment of an increased security deposit. Only select properties allow pets and the presence of unauthorized pets in a dwelling unit is grounds for collection of additional fees and/or immediate termination of contract under our standard rental agreement.
All rental contract negotiations and documents are transacted exclusively in English. Non-English fluent applicants are strongly encouraged to provide interpreters to ensure understanding of contract and tenancy obligations. NorthBay PM will not provide interpretation of contracts or legal forms.
NorthBay PM makes every effort to process applications within 3 business days of submission; however, processing can take longer due to inability to contact previous landlords, employers or other references. Applicants are encouraged to check on the status of an application, particularly if you have not received a response from us within 96 hours (4 business days) of submission. Applications will not be "pre-screened" outside the standard process under any circumstances and incomplete or falsified applications may be rejected without further notice. All applications submitted become property of NorthBay Property Management.
We cannot guarantee any unit you have seen to be available by the time your application is processed. Dwelling units are rented to the first approved applicant who has paid the required "Deposit to Hold" and signed the proper documentation. A Deposit to Hold will not be accepted until the Rental Application is approved. THE DEPOSIT TO HOLD AND ANY OTHER MOVE-IN OBLIGATIONS MUST BE PAID BY CASHIER's CHECK OR MONEY ORDER.